Monday, 30 May 2011

Arles. Sunday evening street life.

Just One reason why I am enjoying Arles very much - because everyone else enjoys the place!

Painting commeths!

Saturday, 28 May 2011

All of these gifts were left anonymously. I like them :)

Arles is still being extremely good. Beautiful days and beautiful nights.

Montpellier. A gift from a fellow permanent marker touting artist.

Beautiful Gifts.

This was Pau. I'm still in Arles getting very wrapped in the place.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Avignon - Arles.

Montpellier. Place de Comedie.

I'm in Arles being Vincent. I'm painting and picking up good work. Here for a few days at least. It's proving to be a bit special so far.

Avignon - meh!

Montpellier was fabulous. I will return.

Plan to stay here to finish commissioned work and save money to get to Nice whilst putting a painting (or, sketch) up here for auction. It's not been easy finding the time, space and ability to carry anymore than I am already carrying.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Pau - Carcassonne - Narbonne - Bezier - Montpellier.

No painting! Tomorrow.

Briefly, Pau was excellent. I really, really liked the place. Carcassonne; erm... met some nice people. Met some interesting people. Visisted a medeval city built circa 1870.

Narbonne. Pretty.

Bezier. Very interesting place. I liked it very much.

Montpellier. Well, I'm pretty sure I can make enough money here to get a painting online for auction to charity. But, beds are expensive. This has caught me out a bit in Southern France. Almost any city in Spain I could find a bed for €20, or less. Here it is double that.

Boring post. I've had minor complications I wouldn't want to talk too much about here :D But, finally I have time to paint.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Biarritz - Bayonne - Capbreton - Bayonne.

Sore feet. Very sore.

I've just done a brief tour of this corner of France. Biarritz - not really my sort of town, but well worth the visit.

Bayonne - I loved every minute there. Very friendly people. Relaxed, safe, chilled vibe about the place. Very much a single persons city. Single people approaching middle age. Not sure how to describe this without offending someone :D It still has a young feel and young fashion vibe, but it's a bit more mellow than other single people city type places.

A huge thank you for the invitation to dinner party and room for the night. Food was delicious, company was good conversation. Really enjoyed it and hope to meet you all again sometime.

Capbreton - again, very, very friendly people and relaxed, safe feel with miles and miles of golden beaches. A relatively contemporary place. Spread out with lots of space (never mind the beaches). Bicycle paths everywhere. Seems everyone who lives here has a bike. You need one.

How friendly is this place? Today started with a coffee invitation from a complete stranger. Then came a free beer from the bar I was working close to. Then came a free pack of tobacco with papers because some exceptionally kind person knew I had no cigarettes. Then came a shout from across the street as I walked past. Someone wanting to know if I had managed to sell sketches and an offer of more free cigarettes. Just kindness and empathy in abundance.

I'm having fun. Meeting great people. Seeing beautiful places. Next post will definitely be painting number One (Siren Nº1) up for auction for charity.

I'm heading back to Bayonne briefly, then onto Pao.

I have been getting the weather luck big time :)