Saturday, 25 January 2014

Drilling for oil off the coast of Ibiza?

What a crazy idea! Understandably the entire population of the island are protesting. I suspect this may be one of the very few protests in Spain to get a result. There are lots of wealthy, influential people with homes here.

Ibiza is keeping me busy. More work enquiries each day. This place will not let me go. I knew it was a trap. Not a bad trap for a street working artist to get stuck in.

Always looking for more work...
Tlf: 689 744929

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year.

It is still Christmas here. Things arrive late in Spain.

You see, this is how it happened here. The Three kings missed the birth because they were following the wrong star and ended up in the wrong town. Beds were a plenty, so they decided to stay a night. They had a smoke, a drink, slept, and when they woke had another smoke, and thought 'fuck it, we've missed the gig already - why not stay a little longer'. It was holiday weekend after all. Next weekend was going to be another holiday. They chilled and talked about mañana.

This is why Christmas happens in Spain Two weeks later than anywhere else in Europe. It is just a Spanish thing.