Saturday 28 May 2016


Malaga. Work please.

Tlf: 689 744 929

Friday 6 May 2016

A very considered little gift.

Thank you for this. I love it. It will be filled with small sketches and ramblings to be returned to you one day.

I will post a new sketch (or, rambling) each week.

Thursday 5 May 2016


Back in Malaga on another mission to replace my passport.

Also on a mission to explore motorcycle club culture - I want to sketch Harley's. Sketches and more will come later.

I have sort of been keeping my blog 'clean'. It got boring. It was bringing in work when it was 'dirty'. Afraid that clients wouldn't want to read the dirt, I made it a bit sterile. So...

Time to make it a bit more interesting again?