There aren't any!
Many people keep asking me where all the photographs and photographs of sketches and paintings are. Well, here's just one. The rest won't appear here until they have at the very least paid for themselves.
I've been shooting on film and sending films back home as I've been walking. Eventually, I hope to create some sort of 'guide', or, 'art book' about alternative walking routes to Santiago.
This was taken on a friends new digital compact. I seem to have returned to a base instinct. Forget the technical crap, all the rules, what is and isn't cool - just shoot what you see and like.
And, here's a painting. Not mine. A sample of recent work by a good friend. He's completeing a series of large oil paintings all about rural abandon. Many mountain villages in Spain have become deserted over the past 40 years, or so due to political, social and environmental change. Entire villages left derelict in varying states of delapidation. The series of paintings tell the story of why villages have been deserted.
Hi, lost photographer... We chatted for about 30 seconds yesterday, while you were painting Leon's Cathedral... I had to leave, but I wanted to congratulate you for your work. Have you considered publishing your impressions on la Vía de la Plata or any other pilgrimage route? I'm sure you'd be as good a writer as you are a drawer (sorry if my English isn't as good as your Spanish).
thnk I remember who you are. I meet and speak to many pople everyday - difficult to remember who's who!
Your English looks far better than my English, never mind my Spanish!
Exhibitions, a book and other stuff s on it's way. It will take time mind.
Thank you very much for the encouragement :)
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