Friday 28 November 2014


No photos. Sorry. Prehistoric PC and very slow ADSL. Another day.

Durcal is a village about 25KM from Granada. I love these little villages. No style. No chic. No bullshit. Just people making the most of what they have and enjoying it. Today is wet, windy and cold - "en tu's casa!". I have a plan for pudding.

Juan is doing something traditionally Andalucian. Everything in the pot at the same time to boil into a sludge. Easier to digest than it is to swallow.

I am doing pudding. Spain does cakes brilliantly. Other than that, pudding normally means flan.

You will need...

Some MaryJ. Don't waste your money on buds. Leaves and offcuts will do the job (something about the butter increases the THC uptake by a Million fold).

A pear for each person.
An egg for each person.
A little butter.
Egg yolks.

Fry your leaves in a little butter (in a frying pan). Simmer with a little milk. Add cinnamon.

In a pan, prepare the custard. Whisk the yolks with fine sugar. Simmer with some milk. DO NOT BOIL!

Fry the pears in a mix of butter and milk. Add a bit of salt, sugar and cinnamon as and when.

Pour the cannabis milk mixture into the custard pan. Make the custard (refer to the internet if you are not experienced).

When your pears have caramelised serve. Sleep well. Do not attempt anything other than sleep. Or, sex. Sex is good also. If you are lucky enough to share this experience with a beautiful woman wearing nothing more than a touch of Channel NÂș5 I am jealous. Enjoy.

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