Friday 10 April 2009

Fame in Burgos!

Thank you very, very, very much!

What a very nice feature. It will undoubtedly help my cause a great deal. Full page spread in the local edition of El Mundo (Correo de Burgos). Extremely well written also. You have a rare journalistic talent. May it take you where ever you want it to take you.

¡Muchas gracias!

Burgos is being more than good to me. I'm loving every minute here despite the rain.


ALE said...

I saw you yesterday while you were painting the carousel in "El Espolon", it was a beautiful picture!! i really envy your, 18 months discovering spain, its amazing!!, i hope you enjoy your time in Burgos. luck in your journey!!

Art in Hiding said...

Thank you. These comments count for much - it's not all sun and sunshine!

Think I'm possibly portraying things as being easier than they actually are, but I have enjoyed Burgos and will head on to Leon with enough cash in pocket to pay for safe beds if nothing more.

Good city. I enjoyed it.

Thank you, thank you Burgos.